Cour extérieure École Sainte-Anne

Here, the avoidance of traditional game modules gives way to a stimulating interplay of shapes, colours and materials. The various concrete bases allow teachers to give lessons, while the wooden huts allow students to relax and exchange ideas.

Géométrie naturelle

The dialogue established between the development of the new biotope and the orthogonal framework of the architecture here involves materials such as floating concrete slabs and river stone paths or ipe footbridges. The jury underlines the care taken in recalling the elements of the building.

Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale (OACI)

The space is equipped with new urban and playful furniture that integrates the security, essential to the space as well as ambient lighting. The design offers the necessary privacy to encourage exchanges.

Complexe des Sciences-UdeM

Inspired by the blue line of the metro, the promenade is the backbone linking the two architectural volumes that open onto the student square. In the centre, the monumental staircase, defined as the campus agora, becomes a gathering place. A structuring urban gesture!  

Le Monastère des Augustines

Surrounded by a long wall, the space needed to be re-programmed, to respect the privacy of the congregation and to showcase the heritage. Mature and well-defined, the project exudes a beautiful harmony and integrates a reflection on the choice of plants.

Square Dorchester portion nord

The embellishment of Dorchester Square enhances the heritage while being daring. A work of finesse that contributes to the rebirth of the Square where the fountain marks the northern border of the place, while the walkways offer new views.

Lac aux Castors

The restoration of the Beaver Lake basin caught the jury’s attention for its effective restoration treatment while preserving the landscape. Here, the principles of sustainable development and the preservation of the basin’s geometry were at the heart of the solution.

La Plage Urbaine de Verdun

Revitalization of nature and reappropriation of the river. The breaches present have been redeveloped in areas that soften the gradients. Adapted to all age groups, the development is accessible and respectful of the environment.

Grand Marché de Québec

The jury was charmed by the harmonious recycling of the historic building and the enhancement of the wood. The multi-angled stopover is made of several layers of recycled wood plywood. Filled with natural light, the platform becomes the key element of the gathering place.

Résidence A

Maple is the common thread of the interior design. In the living room, where the floor is concrete, maple is used on the ceiling in a sort of inversion play. Black walnut elements add a contrasting touch while maintaining the value of the wood.