For 13 years, the contest was open exclusively to firms and professionals with a place of business in Quebec.
The list of Quebec winners in past editions includes young start-ups studios as well as leading firms responsible for some of the most praised projects and products with world-renowned design.
For its 14th edition, the competition opens entirely to international participants!
Pavilion corporation financière
Pavillon Pierre Lassonde du Musée des beaux-arts du Québec
Pavillon du lac
Place Léopold Beaulieu
Protège-chaussures pour enfant Butler
QG Collège Sainte-Anne
Résidence Rockland
Siège social du Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC)
Tapisseries de Béton
Tour des Canadiens 2
Téo taxi
Univers NuFace
Urnes Funéraires – Collection Memoria – Dans le respect de la nature
espace BRP
Lauréat Prix de l'année