For 13 years, the contest was open exclusively to firms and professionals with a place of business in Quebec.
The list of Quebec winners in past editions includes young start-ups studios as well as leading firms responsible for some of the most praised projects and products with world-renowned design.
For its 14th edition, the competition opens entirely to international participants!
Lauréat Prix du Public
Grand Lauréat
Lauréat Platine
Arche Bloom – Espace de diffusion quatre saisons
Bloom - Marie-Eve Bourassa, Emilie Proulx
Lauréat Platine
Collection Balancelle
Morelli | Mobilier Urbain
Lauréat Platine
Kohler Numi 2.0
Kohler Canada Co.
Lauréat Platine
MIDI chair
Lauréat Platine
Panneaux Muraluxe
Lauréat Platine
Rolf. wooden glasses
Roland, Bernhard, Christian Wolf, Johannes Wacker
Lauréat Platine
Sustainable Biocapsules – Transforming Waste into Tress
Ambipar Environment - Gabriel Estevam Domingos
Lauréat Platine
Tangram – Trace
Eureka Lighting
Lauréat Platine
Toilette Écologique Técolo
Larin Design
Lauréat Platine
Transformer Table
Transformer Table Team
Lauréat Platine
Certification OR
ABPURE Infinity Nfuse Carboneutre
American Biltrite
Certification OR
Collection Maisonnette Chaise Hamac
Morelli | Mobilier Urbain
Certification OR
Certification OR
Le Tenon et la Mortaise
Certification OR
RAKABOT Solutions De Rangement Innovatrices Pour Les Chaussures
Certification OR
SILO chair
Certification OR
Swing like no other
hART design
Certification OR
TUBA lamp
Certification OR
Certification Argent