Alessandro VALENTE

Born in 1963 in the Samnite city of Benevento, in central-southern Italy, he attended classical high school. Attended the University of Economics in the city of Florence and graduated in Naples in 1995, Economics Studies.
In 2000 he qualified as a Chartered Accountant and Auditor, and carries out his work in various companies such as financial statement certification and project management.
He began to be interested in Project Financing in the context of public policies for the development of economically and socially weak areas, promoted by the European Union of which Italy is part. He completed his studies in Territorial Marketing and was interested in Social and Economic Development Planning for the weak areas of the European Union, in Southern Italy.
He is interested in the L.E.A.D.E.R. Project. acronym of Liaison Entre Action de Development de l'Economie Rural (connection between the development actions of the rural economy), developed by the European Union, since 1994 and follows its implementation in the Campania Region, lending its work in various Local Actions Groups (GAL). The community-based local development (CLLD) project called L.E.A.D.E.R. it is the most important and innovative instrument of community policies for the development of territories, integrated, sustainable and aimed at bringing process, social and cultural innovation. This type of development approach is based on the "bottom-up" and focuses on LAGs (Local Action Groups) made up of public-private partnerships which have the task of developing and implementing a pilot, innovative, multi-sectoral and integrated development strategy at the local level (SSL – Local Development Strategy).
Hence his passion for the territory, the landscape, the natural and anthropic environment and for the projects entrusted to him by public bodies that promote these issues.
He writes projects for transnational events made in Italy, with European partners, Moldavia, Lithuania.
He is currently following a project that aims to develop an area of 53 municipalities in the Campania region in the province of Caserta, where Vanvitelli designed one of the wonders of the world: the Royal Palace of Caserta.
He has two children, the first, Alessandro Jr., is a physicist, the second, Ivan, is in high school, his wife Angelina, has been married for 25 years.
Four years ago he promoted an event in a small town in southern Italy, Molinara, to which he invited the Montreal architect Jaime Bouzaglo, and with whom he formed a beautiful, ever-strong friendship.
He has always believed that positive relationships between people can change the world. He hopes that's the case!
In 2000 he qualified as a Chartered Accountant and Auditor, and carries out his work in various companies such as financial statement certification and project management.
He began to be interested in Project Financing in the context of public policies for the development of economically and socially weak areas, promoted by the European Union of which Italy is part. He completed his studies in Territorial Marketing and was interested in Social and Economic Development Planning for the weak areas of the European Union, in Southern Italy.
He is interested in the L.E.A.D.E.R. Project. acronym of Liaison Entre Action de Development de l'Economie Rural (connection between the development actions of the rural economy), developed by the European Union, since 1994 and follows its implementation in the Campania Region, lending its work in various Local Actions Groups (GAL). The community-based local development (CLLD) project called L.E.A.D.E.R. it is the most important and innovative instrument of community policies for the development of territories, integrated, sustainable and aimed at bringing process, social and cultural innovation. This type of development approach is based on the "bottom-up" and focuses on LAGs (Local Action Groups) made up of public-private partnerships which have the task of developing and implementing a pilot, innovative, multi-sectoral and integrated development strategy at the local level (SSL – Local Development Strategy).
Hence his passion for the territory, the landscape, the natural and anthropic environment and for the projects entrusted to him by public bodies that promote these issues.
He writes projects for transnational events made in Italy, with European partners, Moldavia, Lithuania.
He is currently following a project that aims to develop an area of 53 municipalities in the Campania region in the province of Caserta, where Vanvitelli designed one of the wonders of the world: the Royal Palace of Caserta.
He has two children, the first, Alessandro Jr., is a physicist, the second, Ivan, is in high school, his wife Angelina, has been married for 25 years.
Four years ago he promoted an event in a small town in southern Italy, Molinara, to which he invited the Montreal architect Jaime Bouzaglo, and with whom he formed a beautiful, ever-strong friendship.
He has always believed that positive relationships between people can change the world. He hopes that's the case!
- Benevento, Italy
Certified Public Accountant and auditor / Controller and Chief Financial
Local Action Group (GAL) Alto Casertano Consortium.