Jury-GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN / Published on January 8, 2021
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Francesco Dondina
Designer graphique et professeur
Dondina Associati I Raffles Milano Istituto Moda e Design
Milano, Italy
What prescient youthful memory relates to your present career?
I’ve always been attracted by images, for as long as I can recall.
What are three basic rules you learned from your mentors?
Be honest
Be generous
Be clear
Do you work in PJs or three-piece suits?
Three-piece suits!
What is your most marked design quality?
I’m systematic!
Teach/learn poster, Milan, Italy, 2020. Photo : Francesco Dondina Poster designed for “Signs for” a call for posters curated by Francesco Dondina with h+ and Società Umanitaria to provide tools for digital teaching to the most fragile children and young people, but also to train educators, teachers and families in Milan area.
How would you like your designs to go down in history?
I’d like my designs to go down in history like links in a chain… attached to the past but looking forward!
What peer quality do you most value?
Their consistency!
Which project is the epitome of your work?
My latest poster on COVID-19 for the Italian Red Cross.
How are your country of belonging’s values reflected in your work?
I’m first of all a Milanese: hardworking and persevering!
What always inspires you?
Passion, enjoyment and honesty!
Any form of aesthetic expression inspires me.
If you could host any three guests, past or alive, over for dinner, who would you choose and what would you dare serving?
Walter Gropius, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinskiy…spaghetti al pomodoro.

What is your mantra?
In life, you can even die… (TIED for BEST mantra ever!)
What is your dream? THINK BIG!
Peace on Earth!
See other projects of Francesco Dondina:
COLIN, NO NEWS GOOD NEWS, Milan, Italy, 2009.
Photo credit: Francesco Dondina
The visual autobiography of Gianluigi Colin, artist and art director of the Corriere della Sera for over 35 years. It presents the evolution of the image of Italy’s leading newspaper from the early 1980’s to the present days. This project won the Compasso d’Oro ADI 2020/Honourable mention.