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Yahoo! ShinHakata Office
By : MEC Design International Corp. - Kidon Jang
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Interior Design
Categories : Office / Agile work Environment : Silver Certification
Categories : Special Awards / Interior Design + Art Integration : Platinum Winner, Gold Certification
The design concept is create “DOT” (means Personality) in the new “DISTRICT” which is a part of Fukuoka, a compact city where people can live and work together, while being a plaza for interaction and contact between a wide variety of industries and lifestyles. We designed a new workplace where people can act as they like and continue to create new "!” by connecting with a variety of lively people while acting in their own way. Our design goal is for diverse personalities to come together and work in deep relationship with each other in a way that allows them to be themselves.
Interior Designer : MEC Design International Corp.