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By : Vita Di Milano
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Art & Photography
Categories : Art Projects / Visual art : Silver Certification
On behalf of a reluctant painter, I submit this to your attention hoping to evoke the conceptual dimension where form and content combine because for the author it is not about deforming life but confronting reality.
While the name can be disregarded by anyone who is only paying attention to what is diffused by the mediatic network, Vita Di Milano can be appreciate like that secret spot that you discovered and now share with close friends; may be the excellent trattoria and the honest shop that the mass will never find.
In fact, this painter is not as artist, but an artisan who depicts what others would never dare to conceive.
As per the work of artisans who illustrated ideas before technology left other apparatuses do the job, Vita’s realistic statements are not simple exercises in aesthetics but expose institutions and concepts that we take for granted or dismiss.
Amongst the different compositions, the role of religion in regards with the female gender is presented in a series of nudes appearing in the company of the bicycle; the device that helped women to assert their presence withing a world under the control of the opposite gender.
By pointing the finger to some of the fundamental creeds responsible for much suffering, Women and Wheels is a tribute to women freedom from the dogmas and the doctrines of religion as imposed by the misogynous man.
Even processed food does not escape Vita’s inquisitive eye pointing to what we accept to consume unaware of how is affecting us.
Far ahead of the general awareness regarding the debatable role of the Olympic games, when adjudicated to countries that do not respect humanistic values, two canvases (2007-8) clearly illustrate the issue by reminding us of the Tiananmen Square’s massacre on the other side of the dividing wall.
Some of Vita’s compositions (2007) even comment on the art of make believe that exists at the discretion of critics supporting the masters of extravaganza by turning any doodle, or stain, into masterpieces.
In addresses the meaning of freedom Vita’s blatant declarations tell us of absurd traditions conceived to mortify the female gender.
For the curious viewer who can differentiate from substance and form and appreciate the significance of his humanistic compositions painted with vision and with reason, the whole collection is visible on web pages [vitadimilano.net].
If you wonder why you have not heard about this artisan, think of the pseudo critic whose only function consists in decoding abstractions to an audience willing to be taken for a ride.
So, look at Vita Di Milano as that secret place reserved for the few who can decern the work of an artisan recognized by the connoisseur.
V.Canta® 2022.