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Turin Park Earthscape custom
By : Techsport Earthscape
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Landscape & Territories
Categories : Special Awards / Landscape - Wood : Gold Certification
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Public Space : Silver Certification
As part of the redevelopment plan of Turin Park, Techsport was contacted by the landscape architect of the borough of Villeray- St-Michel- Parc extension. We had to make a project with a custom playground to honor the mural on the park chalet. The mural named Diàlogo, was created by Chilean artist Mono Gonzalez in 2017. It features colorful abstracted birds. We needed to design a custom wooden playground able to capture the theme of bird life. It was as important to combine the visual of the bird and play opportunities for children. It took 20 weeks to complete the wooden bird. Master craftsmen and carpenters spent hours, measuring, cutting, sanding, assembling and disassembling the bird. Each plank is planed on at least three sides to get perfect fit.
Each piece of the bird has been designed to offer play value to children. They can climb up the wings, onto the back and sit on the bird’s head as they fly. They also can relax and chill in the net of the tail and play hide and seek passing through the chest and out the back . Earthscape used Acoya wood to make this creation. This type of wood is preferred for its strength, durability, and resistance.
The project would have not been completed if we let the bird sitting all alone. We had to ensure he had a safe and welcoming home. The bird is surrounded by vertical logs to make it looks like his resting high in the trees. A log jam was added to replicate a bird’s nest and add to the bird theme. It offers additional challenges for children. Large diameter Robinia logs are used. Craftsmen removed the bark and sap wood by hand to reach the hardest most durable core of wood. The logs are finished by hand to offer the most organic look. The undirected play is loved by children. They need to decide how to play, best way to cross and let place for their creativity.
Locals have always loved Turin Park. They are proud of their lovely murals of colorful birds. Now when they enter the park, they are greeted by a giant colorful Turin. It is impossible to visit Turin Park without hearing tons of birds chirping and singing. Real birds and children pretending to be birds…
Manufacturer - Distributor : Earthscape
Project Manager : Techsport Inc
Landscape Architecture : Ville de Montréal, Arr. Villeray-St-Michel-Parc extension