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Suzhou Nano city exhibition center
By : Suzhou Gold Mantis Culture Development Co.,Ltd / Hui Li,Yang Guo,Yaliang Tang,Silong Yang,Hongyi Xie
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Interior Design
Categories : Culture, Sport & Leisure / Museum & Gallery : Gold Certification
As one of the world’s eight largest nano industry clusters, Suzhou Nano City focuses on four major areas: micro and nano manufacturing, nano new materials, third generation semiconductors, and nano health. With science and technology and innovation to create a new industrial park exhibition center, the nano black technology in more than two thousand square space.
The exhibition hall design is measured with Superman scale, the exhibition hall visiting experience is substituted, and the exhibition CENTER is named “NANO CENTER”, which breaks the traditional passive exhibition mode and creates a new nano industry exhibition center with scene and interaction.