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Station 03
By : blanchette archi.design
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Construction & Real Estate
Categories : Real Estate Development / High-Rise Residential Development : Gold Certification
Categories : Real Estate Development / Future Project-Coming Soon : Gold Certification
The project’s site is an assembly of lots on a block completed by existing heritage barracks. This heritage expression is undeniable and becomes a guide for the development of the site. The geographic location of the site has a strong potential in visually framing Gatineau when coming in from Ottawa. At the intersection of two major axes, Station 03 participates in the built front that is being formed on Hull Island and is part of the future morphology of the city of Gatineau.
The project is intended to be a sponge for the surrounding urban forms. Articulating on a neuralgic point of the Gatineau urban, the project insists on absorbing and linking the neighboring templates. Marking 4, 6, 8 and 10 floors, the building interprets the relationship between the two-storey individual dwellings, the four to ten-storey buildings on Maisonneuve Boulevard and the larger proportions of the riverfront buildings reaching up to twenty floors. The building is inserted on its site in three built segments forming a U shape, encircling the existing barracks. The two parts adjacent to the boulevards rise to ten floors, while the remaining section of the construction drops to six floors. This morphology allows for an open area in the heart of the block in dialogue with its heritage. The first floor is largely perforated in order to offer fluid circulations through the site and bring to the greatest number of people the qualities of the heart of the block, which opens onto the heritage barracks and gives access to new views towards it. The porte cochères also generate the transition from the public domain to the more intimate residential areas.
The project relies on a clear and homogeneous reading of its volumes through its choice of materials of local origin. The four-storey red brick basilaire anchors the building in the ground and in its context, while serving as a clue to the presence of the barracks from the boulevards. The upper floors are clad in white brick, reinforcing the lightness of this volume that reflects the light and the colors of the sky. While two facades interact with the city and its density, the last one communicates more with the adjacent residential area. This lower volume, the circulation on the outside walkway and the monumental exterior staircase in corten steel, inserted in the heart of the block, also allow a privileged relationship between the project and the barracks. These last 2 materials broaden the range of sensations offered by the project, while remaining consistent in the same language.
Architect : blanchette archi.design
Real Estate Developer : Oktodev
Real Estate Developer : Endevco
Urban planner : Cardo Urbanisme