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By : ADHOC architectes
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Architecture
Categories : Residential Building / Multi-unit Housing ≤ 4 storeys : Gold Certification
Located in the heart of the Pointe-Saint-Charles neighborhood, Skipper is a soft densification project established in a highly sought-after residential area. Dating back to the 1890s, the existing building was originally comprised of six deep and narrow units, typical of Montreal’s vernacular architecture. Imagined as a mirrored plan, the expansion reflects the volume of the existing building, allowing for the addition of six new units and the creation of a luminous courtyard conducive to resident gatherings. This intervention effectively doubles the area and the number of units on the property while preserving the historical character of Centre Street, the main commercial artery of the Pointe-Saint-Charles neighborhood.
Facing the Saint-Charles church, the preservation of Skipper’s facade gives it a historical tone, to which our team has added a contemporary touch. The twelve units are organized around an inner courtyard, an architectural typology utilized on several occasions among ADHOC’s projects. This typology addresses the narrowness and typical lack of natural light in Montreal’s housing, offering greater design flexibility. Skipper’s units are cross-ventilated and less deep, allowing for more natural light to penetrate the interiors. They incorporate sustainable principles that leverage passive energies, promoting natural ventilation.
Designed in the image of Montreal’s iconic alleyway living environment, the social purpose of this inner courtyard as a communal space will over time contribute to fostering a sense of community among residents.
Finally, at its core, two young trees mark the beginning of a green oasis that contrasts the ethereal character of the surroundings and provides privacy for the residents.
Skipper’s walkway structure smoothly spans two levels, bridging the existing building with its expansion. Designed with galvanized steel grating, the rounded walkways overlook the courtyard, offering durable, resilient outdoor living spaces that require minimal maintenance for upper-floor occupants. Technical design excellence has allowed for the concealment of several utilities and the preservation of clean lines, enhancing the architectural intervention’s readability. Initially conceived as access ways for the entire project’s units, these walkways ultimately transcend their technical and functional roles to become a standout feature of the project. ADHOC rises to the challenge of transforming this exterior protrusion into a main component of the project. The uniqueness and harmony emanating from Skipper stem from the symmetry of its geometric lines, whose rigidity is softened by the presence and fluidity of its refined curves. ADHOC achieves with Skipper a just and integrated intervention, demonstrating that the city can reinvent itself without losing its nature or affecting its charm and authenticity.
General Contractor : Cocoon Constructions
Photographer : Maxime Brouillet