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Série “LUMINEUSE” – Oeuvres d’art à l’encaustique (médium à base de cire d’abeille)
By : Pascale Bouchard - Artiste peintre à l'encaustique
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Art & Photography
Categories : Art Projects / Visual art : Bronze Certification
Categories : Art Projects / Artwork - Residential Space : Silver Certification
The "Luminous" Series includes 12 abstract works of art made with beeswax. This ancestral medium (existing since 2000 BC, used to paint on sarcophagi) contains beeswax, Damar resin and color pigments. Worked in flat areas using blowtorches and various heating tools, these creations are a subtle and gentle floral and abstract representation to bring a larger and more traveling universe to your residential space.
Technique explored and mastered for more than 10 years by the artist, this series is explored by the printing of hot Tjaps on wax without pigments and the universe is created with the fingers with oil sticks.
The texture that emerges from these creations is just as rich and impressive for the observer.
Magnificent to adorn your room (office, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) the encaustic lends itself to any residential or commercial space.
In short, the unique and surprising side of encaustic is an art to be discovered.
For the artist, this medium brings a beautiful freedom of movement and a fluidity that opens towards a gaze filled with respect for the whole history of this ancestral technique as well as for the rich rendering.