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Série “Féminin pluriel”
By : Pascale Bouchard Artiste
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Art & Photography
Categories : Art Projects / Visual art : Silver Certification
Categories : Art Projects / Artwork - Residential Space : Bronze Certification
Artistic approach
« Féminin Pluriel » series Pascale Bouchard Artist
WOMAN is the main subject that nourishes me and extends the imagination of my thoughts towards subjective works.
Always passing through writing during my creative process, I explore the foundation of what will come to life on the medium. Intuitive fluidity and movement, adorned by a rich, pigmented texture… unique works are born.
I’m an artist by nature.
It was in 2012 that I discovered this little-known ancestral medium: Encaustics, and traded in my brushes for blowtorches.
Now, after more than 10 years of exploration with hot wax, my mastery and skills are tinged with ease and a liberating letting go.
Today, initiated by a great desire to visually interpret the place I have held and lived for 47 years, it is with honor that I present my « Feminine Plural » series, a singular yet honest unveiling of the stages of my own life, my roles and passages.
In this series from a life that is no stranger to me, the woman becomes THE SUBJECT, voluntarily leaving the place of the background to the man as SUPPORT.
It’s with the flower (a symbol of femininity for me) always in the foreground, that I seek to contradict the societal concept of our culture, which I believe has been entrenched for far too long.
The main thing that came out of this beautiful creative process was my awareness of my own experience. That of an unhappiness filled with hesitation and fear in trying to take my place. I’ve always defined myself as blurred and undefined. Preferring to assist rather than initiate. And by the same token, always making sure to DO well rather than simply BE.
It is in this very meaningful series for me that I wish today to reveal my past states of Being as a Woman. To signify and thank at the same time through my works that this journey was strewn with magnificent, idolized, loved, envied women who today allow me to affirm that I am one of them.