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Sentier nature de la Rivière-de-la-Tortue
By : Stantec Experts Conseils Ltée
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Landscape & Territories
Categories : Special Awards / Landscape + Water : Gold Certification
Categories : Urban Design / Civic Design Project : Gold Certification
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Public Space : Gold Certification
Located west of Candiac, in the Montreal suburbs, the Tortue River is surrounded by green spaces ideal for the creation of a large-scale linear park. Approximately 1.5 km in length, the trail has been designed with an exclusive and distinctive signature for the residents and visitors of the area. Previously considered a neglected and unattractive place and even sometimes perceived as private spaces, the walkway has opened up the space. This discovery trail, which now gives the river back to its citizens and visitors, brings to the forefront the genius of the place and re-establishes the dialogue between water and man.
Like an Ariadne’s thread running alongside the Turtle River, the discovery trail is a space in mimicry with its environment where the only architectural impact is the footprint made by the pedestrian path. Paced by experiential rooms that offer both interpretation and contemplation of the natural environment, this pathway in symbiosis with its context offers a unique and relaxing experience where tranquility and relaxation are the conductors of this unique place. In support of the sensory discovery of the walkers, terminals and panels of explanation come to improve the experience of these last ones through a simple and diversified step while offering an alternative educational approach.
The valorization of the waterfront areas and the opportunity to give contact with the river are also design criteria that have led to the creation of public spaces that are in harmony with the shores. These quays are a pretext for relaxation and offer the opportunity to launch kayaks or other small boats.
The Pandemic has definitely contributed to its popularity. This new route, which follows the banks of the river and subtly introduces itself into the neighbouring urban parks, offers a secure alternative for relaxation, water sports and fitness. Its facilities offer several refuges that allow users to easily distribute themselves along the trail in respect of sanitary norms.
The Stantec team succeeded in designing a park that rigorously respects technical, operational and safety requirements (universal accessibility, comfort, compatibility of uses, cohesion between functions, drainage of the entire site). It also took into consideration the esthetic aspects (shapes, colors, textures, brand image, etc.) that gave the park its attractiveness and its signature so that it has a unique and strong identity. The stone screened paths are easily integrated into the shoreline landscape while the wooden paths on screwed piles seem to float on the horizon and blend harmoniously with its host environment with minimal environmental impact. This park is intended to be a place of contemplation and tranquility where relaxation, enjoyment and the practice of physical activities in all seasons will be put forward, and this, for all ages.
Special attention was given to the selection of plants. The diversity and the indigenous aspect have orchestrated the plant design with the goal of ecological improvement of the environment and natural insertion.
Urban planner : Stantec Experts Conseils Ltée