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Quai de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré
By : Groupe A / Annexe U
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Landscape & Territories : Grand Winner
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Public Space : Gold Certification
Categories : Urban Design / Civic Design Project : Platinum Winner
The Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré wharf has been an inseparable part of the Côte-de-Beaupré landscape since the very beginnings of the colony. The arrival of the first pilgrim boats in the mid-19th century confirmed its strategic position, in the axis of rue du Sanctuaire. This maritime landing became the major link between the St. Lawrence River and the sanctuary dedicated to Sainte Anne, the largest pilgrimage center in North America. In line with the desire to develop windows onto the river in the Capitale-Nationale region, the Corporation de développement du quai de Sainte-Anne was created with a view to restoring river access to the local community and, at the same time, a gateway for tourists.
The project materializes the initial vision of developing a multifunctional public space meeting the objectives of urban animation and accessibility to the river as a complement to the regional recreational offer. In summer, a river shuttle service now links the tourist heart of Sainte-Anne to the Old Port of Quebec.
An unprecedented regional success
The project is a testament to the added value that such a modest intervention brings to the community. Indeed, the goodwill it generates illustrates just how important it is to preserve and enhance access to the coastline, particularly outside major urban centers. Because of its social significance, its regional importance and the conceptual mastery executed with humility, within restricted budgets and with the aim of restoring a site promulgating exceptional coastal landscapes, between Cap-Tourmente, Cap-Diamant and Île d’Orléans, the project demonstrates that it is still possible to do well with little. Enthusiasm and local initiative being the catalysts of choice to achieve this.
The project
From the visual hustle and bustle of boulevard Sainte-Anne (Route 138), the pier’s presence was virtually imperceptible. To accommodate maritime customers and signal this unique window on the river, a reception pavilion acts as a veritable figurehead for the new facilities. In addition to offering a public facility on a human scale that focuses on the landscape experience of the site, the visual signature was designed around the presence of the pilgrimage site, which is always perceived in an oblique gaze as you stroll along. This angulation will have underpinned the compositional lines on the ground and in the volumetric formalization of the pavilion, promulgating an intriguing dynamism.
The reception pavilion is a multi-purpose space accessible all year round. It takes the form of a large, simple volume with a gable roof and clad in light-gray metal siding and eastern white cedar slats. Parallel to the axis of the quay, its two ends point towards the basilica, inviting visitors to step out onto the promenade. The pavilion’s form is inspired by boathouses, and nods to the simple volumetrics of Côte-de-Beaupré’s historic residential buildings. A light wood-frame structure and tapered roof trusses reveal a simple, yet spacious « salle des pas perdus », a reception area with adjoining services. Three roof windows articulate the geometry of the ceiling and magnify the light at the end of the day.
Fountains positioned along the edge of the boulevard set the tone for the promenade that begins towards the coastline, punctuated by a succession of benches that allow pause and appreciation of the landscapes as the sequence unfolds. A monumental work of art by sculptor Jean-Pierre Morin, Souffle le vent, completes the route and establishes a sensitive dialogue with the sun, wind and tides. All materials are from Quebec, and meet the life-cycle criteria of the Corporation and Ville de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré. The long-term viability of the installations is a key concern, with a view to preserving the attractiveness of the site.
Architect : Groupe A / Annexe U
Engineering : WSP (Anciennement LGT)