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Plan directeur du parc agroalimentaire de Baie-Saint-Paul
By : Arpent
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Landscape & Territories
Categories : Urban Design / Urban Design Plan : Bronze Certification
The City of Baie-Saint-Paul wanted to offer a proactive response to community demands by proposing a master plan for a new type of agri-food park on its territory. After developing a potential study which targeted a plot of land within the urban perimeter, the City of Baie-Saint-Paul commissioned Arpent to design the master plan for its future agri-food park. The agri-food industry has established itself as an economic pillar of the Charlevoix region, through both tourism and production itself. Many small and medium-sized local businesses (SME) are currently expanding and the availability of additional production spaces has become essential to their long term future .
The project team wanted to respond in a pragmatic and concerted way to meet the aspirations of local SMEs in terms of production and logistics, but also to create an industrial center that stands out for its innovative environmental practices and its unifying impact. In this spirit, the master plan provides a skilfully designed built environment with integrated sales and consumption areas, including a large beer garden-style terrace, as a showcase for regional agri-food production. The master plan also incorporates quality public spaces, innovative green infrastructures and active transportation networks that are safe and connected to the surrounding neighborhoods. In terms of integration, particular attention has been paid to the limitation of nuisance (noise pollution, heat island effect etc.) and the harmonious cohabitation of industrial activities, offering a quality experience to the daily tourist clientele.
The master plan design process was carried out using a collaborative and incremental approach, bringing together a variety of stakeholders, including entrepreneurs ready to establish themselves in the future park. A solid regulatory strategy will ensure the success of the innovative master plan giving companies the required flexibility to develop their lots, while also ensuring the master plan’s sustainability principles are achieved.