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Place Vauquelin
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 12th edition
The focal point of a corridor joining downtown Montreal’s modern strip to the historical heritage of Old Montreal, Place Vauquelin acts as a window of contemplation on the city’s evolution and its administration’s beating heart.
Designed by Lemay, in collaboration with a multitalented team, including archaeologists involved throughout the conception to construction phases, the new Place Vauquelin seeks to preserve artefacts of the past while turning to the future for new technologies. The radiant heating system installed makes the public space the first Montreal outdoor area to be completely heated. The finesse in assemblage of Morelli Designers’ urban furniture, as well as the textures chosen for floor surfaces add contemporary dynamism to the space.
The jury gave a nod to the modern feel and look of the site, which seeks to preserve the history of our urban heritage and act as a Montreal landmark of past and present pride.
Lemay, en collaboration avec Les Consultants SM inc., Ombrages, Nadeau Foresterie urbaine, Morelli Designers inc., Jonathan Cha, Arkéos, Ville de Montréal et Ministère de la culture et des communications -
Prix architecture de paysage de projet public ex æquo -
lemay.com / groupesm.com / ombrages.com / nadeauforesterieurbaine.com / morellidesigners.com / arkeos.ca