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Parc de conservation du ruisseau de Feu
By : Projet Paysage
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Landscape & Territories : Award of the Year Winner, Grand Winner
Categories : Urban Design / Civic Design Project : Gold Certification
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Rural Areas : Gold Certification, Platinum Winner
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Public Space : Gold Certification
The City of Terrebonne wanted to provide the site with reception facilities to ensure that the use of the site is in line with the protected area status. The design parameters meet wildlife habitat requirements while providing a favorite location during their spring and fall migrations as well as during their breeding season.
The development project aims to preserve the natural habitats present and to improve the use of the environment by wildlife by providing quality habitat for species. The design parameters meet wildlife habitat requirements while providing a favorite location during their spring and fall migrations as well as during their breeding season.
The Ruisseau de Feu conservation park project is one of the most important restoration projects in Quebec. It is a migration site for many species of birds and a spawning ground for fish and amphibians that frequent the Rivière des Prairies. Frequented by ornithologists and photographers as much as by the population for recreational purposes, the City of Terrebonne wanted to provide the site with reception facilities to ensure that attendance at the site is in line with the protected area status. .
The project aimed to develop marked trails and footbridges as well as the integration of a shelter allowing the interpretation of the site and an observation tower covering the swamp, the marsh and the banks of the river. The discovery trail and the small structures are punctuated with interpretive steles to enrich and become aware of the places. The multidisciplinary design was led by the architects (ABCP) in close collaboration with the landscape architects (Projet Paysage), a biological consultant and structural engineers.
As part of this mandate, we were responsible for the landscape architecture component and collaborated with all the members of the team for the realization of this multidisciplinary project.