“Les Maîtres de l’Olympe”, exposition au Musée de la civilisation de Québec

Mythical Olympus What at first appeared to be an architectural constraint for BISSON + CASTONGUAY turned out to be the deus ex machina from which they created the Masters of Olympus exhibit. The exhibition hall in Quebec City’s Musée de la civilisation, where the collections are displayed, contains a number of columns, which the designers … Continued


The perfect showcase Burovision called on the For. Design Planning team to partially redesign its offices space and to help it showcase more effectively the products it distributes. The aim was to be able to receive clients in surroundings that embody the spirit of the company. The spaces concerned by the project—elevator lobby, reception area … Continued

Fondation Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Indelible memories for a foundation built on noble values From its headquarters in a 1970s office tower, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, established in 2001 in memory of the former prime minister, works to promote innovation in the humanities and social sciences. The design chosen by the architects was based on the spirit of this … Continued

Bureau chef, Groupe Dynamite Inc.

Two awards for the GDI Campus A one-of-a-kind project, the extension of Groupe Dynamite’s head office earned the Montreal-based women’s clothing retailer two awards. The whole renovation project for the company’s head office, known as the GDI Campus, won the award for Office space, over 20,000 sq. ft. The retailer’s steady growth meant more space … Continued

Centre de pathologie moléculaire Dubrovsky

The Dubrovsky Molecular Pathology Centre is one of the largest molecular pathology labs in Montreal specializing in the study of cancer and one of the main clinical and research hubs of its kind in Canada. When it came to creating a cutting-edge design for this centre, which contains labs for biomarker research, development of PCR … Continued

Agrandissement de l’École Barclay

Harmoniously integrated with the existing building, the expansion of École Barclay, in the commission scolaire de Montréal, completed by NFOE et associés architectes, includes 14 new classrooms, a micro-computing and robotics room, a daycare space, a multi-purpose room, an administrative sector, and a new gymnasium. From the outside, the expansion connects seamlessly, the new entity … Continued

Bibliothèque du boisé

Designed by the consortium of Cardinal Hardy, Labonté Marcil, and Eric Pelletier architectes, the Bibliothèque du Boisé places the user at the heart of its activities, creating a living space for people to come together or for individual contemplation. The jury was unanimous in its choice of this winner: the library’s mission was brilliantly rendered. … Continued

Geneviève Hart

S’arrêter pour en parler In the project S’arrêter pour en parler, designed by Geneviève Hart, the mandate was to transform the interior of the Mont-de-La Salle high school into a space that would encourage freedom of expression and personal fulfillment. The designer’s response was simple and ngenious: integrate that mission into the everyday life of … Continued

Les ateliers Guyon

Poetry in the machine Skilfully combining artisanal techniques and state-of-the-art electronics, Les Ateliers Guyon created three innovative machines that will bring the Art Directors Club (ADC) Awards Traveling Exhibition around the world. Built out of wood and metal, the devices themselves are relatively simple, but eminently elegant. The electronic components activate the multimedia elements designed … Continued

Claude Provencher

C’est la musique, qui a porté cet homme Associé fondateur de Provencher_Roy, Claude Provencher est considéré comme l’un des instigateurs de la nouvelle architec- ture urbaine issue de la fin des années 1970 au pays. Cette force de la nature se rappelle encore écouter, enfant, sa mère Madeleine au piano et son père Hervé, «violoneux … Continued