La Taule

A brand new elegant and robust building has been built in the municipality of Waterloo. In what looks like a modern barn or small industrial shed is housed a multidisciplinary athletic training centre. Fitness, gymnastics, spinning, weight training—this versatile space lends itself to any number of activities. In this simply shaped building, the architectural elements … Continued

Bota Bota Gardens

In the shadow of the former Old Port grain silos, the secluded Bota Bota Gardens project is an unparalleled haven of relaxation where guests can enjoy a unique thermal spa experience. The gardens feature different pavilions—built using recycled shipping containers—each with a specific function, including a relaxation area, steam bath and mechanical room. Their green … Continued

Domaine Forget, Paul-Lafleur student residence

The new Domaine Forget Music and Dance Academy student residence project designed by Bisson|associés architectes is remarkable in that it offers its temporary houseguests a spectacular view of the St. Lawrence River. Thirty rooms with carefully designed acoustics were built and appointed with almost monk-like sensibility to allow young artists to truly enter into communion … Continued

Hôtel Epik

Nestled atop the Hôtel Epik, in one of the oldest buildings in Old Montreal, this 1,750 sq. ft. suite underwent a renovation that sought to preserve the unique 18th-century architecture of this space located in a former warehouse. Many of the original features recalling the building’s industrial past have been preserved, most notably an enormous … Continued

Le Richmond Marché italien

With its exposed wood structure, brick walls, iron and steel furniture, marble and wood tabletops, this new space smacks with authenticity. In the centre of the room, the food display counter is the main attraction. It is flanked by two other cases—one a wine cellar, the other for aging meats—and a cheese counter. All the … Continued

Mamie Clafoutis

A neighbourhood bakery was revamped to provide a homey, welcoming experience. The owners of the most recent Mamie Clafoutis location wanted to offer their patrons bread, certainly, but also a space where they could enjoy a quiet meal and linger over a cup of coffee. The environment is modern, but a multitude of elements pop … Continued

Mimi la Nuit

With its ancestral stone walls and off-kilter glass wall, Mimi la Nuit evokes the secret, intimate and muffled atmosphere of the speakeasies of the Prohibition era. The bar and restaurant, each with its own entrance, are fused together in one room. This one space/two functions combination is deftly pulled off thanks to a subtle play … Continued

Restaurant O’Noir

The concept behind Restaurant O’Noir is to have patrons dine in complete darkness. Without sight, the remaining senses are heightened to fully savour the smell and taste of food. The design challenge was to come up with economic solutions and to alter the structure of some of the floor levels to create rooms that were … Continued

Natrel Milk Bar

Hot, cold, flavoured or in coffee, no matter what the latest trend, milk will always have its fans. To engage more closely with its customers, Natrel joined forces with the Java U café chain to create its first-ever Natrel Milk Bar. Thus was born a unique concept, where consumers are immersed in a world of … Continued

Food court – Les promenades Gatineau

Founded in 1993, the Pappas Design Studio architectural firm is a Canadian leader in commercial design. This company was mandated with the major renovation of the Les Promenades Gatineau shopping centre. In the order of $110 million, the upgrade involved adding 20,000 sq. ft. to the northern section of the mall, expanding the food court, … Continued