Damu Design – Mainway Design

“Damu Design is certainly a top contender in its field. We find inspiration in this leading firm’s qualifications in architectural engineering design. A special nod goes out to the firm’s innovative urban renovations and its serious government projects.”

Hebei Guo Heng Decoration Co., Ltd.

“Intriguing projects and engaging modern lifestyles. Ever since the company’s foundation, the firm has been successful at providing customers with strategic and systematic schemes, while exhibiting effective and grandiose execution. Their unique perspectives are compelling.”

Institute of Interactive Media, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

“The incredible excellence of their portfolio speaks for itself and is certainly accredited to the influence of Lie Zhang, a noble and undisputed expert in the museum field. To note their particular mix of scientific and cultural consultations, digital display and Internet innovation in various cultural spaces. It is a winning model to mix and … Continued

Jinyuanmen Design Office

“The firm’s projects are always luminous. The founder Ge Xiaotong’s 20 plus years of experience in print advertising explain why the firm’s work always translates a message and mission clearly. Their use of the colour white is quite interesting and fascinating.”


“Very modern, current and innovative productions that exudes a jazzed-up feel. The firm is always full of surprises and creates a design that breathes. They also provide a complete market positioning, a service that should be offered more often.”

Republic Metropolis Architecture

“Absolutely engaging productions that spell happiness, modernity and uniqueness. Solid partnerships with top suppliers guarantee the firm’s high-quality delivery and durable design ideas.”

Shanghai Lacime Design Co., Ltd.

“The firm’s creations have their own rhythm that stems from their philosophy in design. “Simplicity and originality” is their new concept and it focuses on ultra-simple aesthetics. These break traditional limits and explore the boundary of beauty. A trend to follow for inspiration.”

Shanghai Urban Architectural Design Co.,Ltd.

“Meet skilled magicians who can take a classic habitat refresh and modernize the concept while respecting a thousand- year-old design. Grade A in the fields of urban design, super high-rise buildings, commercial complexes, offices, star hotels and high-end residential buildings, their contemporary architecture style is precise, enticing and of international stature.”

Shizhen. Liexi Association of Art

“Their portfolio is exciting and they do not hesitate, for example, to put a giant helicoidal staircase in the middle of a project. It is this inventiveness that distinguishes them as they do as others dare not do. We salute their motto: “In the design of unremitting pursuit, we strive to access the heart.”

Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co.,Ltd.

“The incredible innovative and poetic work of Praying Mantis is inspiring. The group is a trail blazer in the green, environmental and healthy commercial and residential decoration industry, and we strongly hope to see their philosophy spread.”