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Maison de Stéphan L
By : Belvedair
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Construction & Real Estate : Grand Winner, People’s Choice Award
Categories : Construction / New Single-Family & Mutli-Unit Housing : Platinum Winner
House with garden level and first floor. Ready-to-finish concept with customer finishes.
This is the customer’s last house. He worked all his life to be able to afford it. He still wanted to stay within a budget, so we had to work with several concepts, some more restrained but resulting in a less appealing design, some more ambitious but exceeding the budget. The final project adopts an uncluttered yet impressive architectural signature, a compromise that nonetheless doesn’t seem to be one.
Even though we’re used to doing LEED projects, it’s still hard to aim for Platinum, especially when the location doesn’t provide density and proximity points. But we achieved it by working with our client, who made the right choices in finishes and landscaping.
The adjoining bioclimatic greenhouse also brought technical challenges, given the amount of moisture it can give off, we had to make sure we used rot-proof materials and sealed well between the greenhouse and the garage.
Double-frame walls insulated with pressure-injected cellulose, triple-glazed windows and double low-e R8.3, foundation walls insulated with 6 inches of EPS for an R30 value, heat pump performing in heating down to -20 degrees C,
All polystyrenes used are HCFC-free. Only the polyurethane sprayed on the rim joist and to seal the windows contains them. All LED lighting. High-performance Venmar V150H75RT HRV. Tightness verified by infiltrometry at 0.7 CAH at 50Pa.
Construction waste management with material sorting and sorting report.
All plumbing is Watersense certified.
Giant Ecopeak model 3-element water heater to reduce power demand and reduce peak demand.
Integrated adjoining greenhouse. Exemplary landscaping with erosion and runoff control, use of drought-resistant native plants.
Sheet metal roofing and 100% protection of decking with bituminous membrane under the sheet metal. Protection of openings with self-adhesive membrane. Foundation protection with draining insulation (S.R. Drain) in addition to tar. BNQ 7-hole foundation drain with cleaning chimneys. Joist Guard » membranes installed on top of balcony joists.
Heating sizing with a room-by-room load calculation.
Novoclimat and LEED Platinum certifications.