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Librairie Baie-St-Paul
By : Lanterne architectes
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Interior Design
Categories : Commercial Space / Commercial Space ≤ 1,600 sq.ft. (≤ 150 sq.m.) : Bronze Certification
Categories : Special Awards / Renovation (Before & After) : Silver Certification
La Librairie de Baie-St-Paul has commissioned Lanterne architectes to renovate its premises. The space, which has doubled in size, has been completely redesigned to offer customers an immersive experience. A veritable regional magnet for Charlevoix readers, the redesigned layout gives the bookshop a library-like feel.
A large reception counter frames the entrance and directs visitors to the booksellers. It is set within a pale structure that occupies the entire center of the store and organizes the different spaces, dictating an intuitive wandering path. This luminous core is encircled by a dark monochrome envelope that accentuates the muted character of the space. The burgundy color around the perimeter of the space is dictated by the reclaimed displays, which make the most of their mahogany finish. The perimeter of the premises is in fact adorned with the reworked original shelving units, which blend in discreetly. Stripped of their outdated ornamentation, these pieces of furniture have been reconfigured with a view to their reuse, a veritable over-recycling that enhances their original value. Completely transformed and integrated, they are unrecognizable. Careful, minimal lighting adds to the enveloping experience.
The book shelves delineate an event space for literary launches and activities, as well as a children’s corner with comfortable seating for reading. The bright furniture highlights the colorful bindings of the books in this area.
Architect : Lanterne architectes
General Contractor : Les Entreprises Carl Tremblay
Manufacturer - Distributor : Aspec