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Laurent & Clark
By : MSDL Architectes
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Architecture
Categories : Residential Building / Apartment & Condo ≥ 10 storeys : Silver Certification
Categories : Other categories in architecture / Facade : Silver Certification
Living in the heart of Montreal’s cultural effervescence
The Laurent & Clark project is located in the heart of the Quartier des spectacles, one of Montreal’s major cultural hubs. Bordered by boulevard Saint-Laurent, boulevard De Maisonneuve and rue Clark, this residential complex has a front-row seat to the vitality of urban life, where the artistic excellence and profusion for which the metropolis is famous are expressed.
Next to several of Montreal’s most emblematic cultural landmarks, the building had to assert its presence and respond both to the artistic ferment on the « stage » side, and to the usual, everyday urban rhythm on the « backstage » side. The architectural approach was to compose a duo in which each plays a distinct yet complementary role: on the one hand, interacting with the public space, witnessing and participating in the spectacle of urban life, and on the other, welcoming and enveloping the day-to-day, preserving private space and intimacy, without dissociating it from its sense of belonging to the community.
Laurent & Clark therefore stands out for its volumetric composition, and the marriage of white and black, which echoes the paradox of this part of town: a lively atmosphere at night, in contrast to the peaceful soul of a more common urban life during the day. In the image of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, the legendary dancing couple of the ’30s, the Laurent & Clark has an artistic character and personality which is perfectly in tune with the district’s vocation and helps to structure the public space. High up, it creates a new silhouette that stands out from the background, revealing itself as a new presence in this part of the metropolis; at street level, the imprint of this choreography shapes animated spaces in dialogue with the city and the public space, creating a dynamic that is perfectly integrated with that of the neighbourhood.
The Clark… Broadly oriented towards effervescent activity and the cosmopolitan atmosphere, it expresses itself in a textured treatment and comes alive in a geometric modulation and use of colourful, crystalline materials. Its white coat captures the city’s energy by day and reflects it by night. A first in Montreal, the Clark offers passthrough units with views towards two horizons, thanks to a strategy of using exterior passageways to rationalize the space normally devoted to exit staircases. On the east side, one can contemplate the inner courtyard, a private garden uniting the two towers, and observe the commercial and residential activity of Saint-Laurent Boulevard. On the west side, from the balcony overlooking the Quartier des spectacles, there are splendid views of Mount Royal and downtown.
Le Laurent… Black predominates and envelops the second volume. More restrained, silent and structuring, it initiates an urban dialogue with the residential and commercial activities of Saint-Laurent and De Maisonneuve boulevards and is in keeping with the scale of the neighbourhood. Its character, seemingly more austere by day, reveals itself to be sumptuous by night: it underlines the Clark’s flamboyant personality and celebrates its festive nature. Finally, adapting to the context and imposed limits, the second floors of the Laurent are cantilevered, allowing for the creation of an outdoor public space that enhances the pedestrian experience in the neighbourhood, and the presence of more modestly sized dwellings that benefit from a generous supply of natural light.