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Labo dataviz · Scénario sur la santé mentale
By : LUM Design
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Product
Categories : Industrial Design / Furniture - Contract & Institutional : Gold Certification
The Mental Health Scenario 6 was developed in collaboration with the Living Lab on Mental Health in Academia, led by Professor Christiane Bergeron-Leclerc. The installation was in place from January to June 2022 and disseminated both the results of the Impact COVID-19 study while also gathering data on solutions to improve the mental health of individuals.
The scenario was designed to create a progression in participant engagement from the most playful (voting on a simple question by making and throwing an origami airplane) to the most engaging (essay response on organizational strategies to be implemented within and outside the institution). At the center of the scenario, a voting system was put in place. By tearing (pre-punched with dots) pieces of paper on the wall, people were able to choose their self-care strategies. In the ethical approach of « taking and giving, » a caring, fortune cookie type phrase was on the back of the paper.
Top, data visualizations offer visual representations of data related to the researcher’s study. The reporting of mental health statistics is addressed through the hybrid photographic portrait. Interventions, such as stitching and ink, were performed on the printed photos in order to make the subject of the statistic feel, tangible, sensitive, inscribed in the material.
The gamification of data collection is a major lever to user participation and engagement and the interaction system must walk a fine line between « fun factors », technical qualities, and accuracy of the data capture. In other words, an interaction that is too attractive in terms of play will lose its accuracy in terms of data. This one could, for example, involve too many uses by the same participant or even be deviated from its primary function.
The constraints of creation are numerous, the device being located in the heart of a busy place, the regulations (fire safety and others) reduce the possible space and guide certain design choices.
The playfulness of data collection through physical interactive design in « low tech » represents an innovation that serves both as a lever for researchers while giving them an attractive visibility. Between research valorization, scientific communication and data collection, dialogue emerges in the installation space and allows for human connection and sharing of our visions.
The Labo Dataviz is a permanent infrastructure 20 feet wide by 12 feet high, equipped with a lighting system with the possibility of electrical and digital connections. This surface is designed to accommodate modules and design devices. The hanging system is made easy and secure by the strategy of regular perforations in the wood surface and the possibility of working behind this « hole wall ». Indeed, the wall has wheels that allow it to rotate and a solid metal frame provides stability. The choice of wood for its ecological qualities as well as the « low-tech » type interactions allow to put forward recovered or recycled materials.