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Jamal, or the ode to oriental femininity.
By : Caline Marie Habib
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Art & Photography
Categories : Art Projects / Artwork - Residential Space : Bronze Certification
Celebrating the discreet power of the female body, the artist presents her latest creation: the sculpture « Jamal ». After four and a half years of passion for sculpting, the artist found in this art a way to celebrate women, particularly Oriental women.
So here is Jamal, or the ode to oriental femininity.
The approach:
Sometimes forced to veil themselves, to hide their bodies and their femininity, or educated not to look at, love, or appreciate their most intimate aspects as if it were taboo or wrong, many Oriental women grow up detached from their bodies, detached from their femininity, as if disconnected from this small part of their body that makes the male world so afraid and trembling.
Yet, this small part of the body is the origin of the world. This small part of the body is powerful. This small part of the body deserves respect and love.
Since the birth of her daughter, the artist has been inspired to sculpt and elevate to a pedestal what women have most intimate: their vulvas. Through architectural or abstract forms, she aims to expose femininity in all its beauty and power, to catch the eye, intrigue, trigger discussions; all with tact, subtlety and delicacy.
All her sculptures are diverse and varied, but they have one thing in common: Arabic names, in order to make each of them, in their own way, an ode to oriental femininity.
The Jamal project:
After several months of work, from conception to molding, Jamal was born – a Lebanese first name meaning « beauty ». This sculpture evokes a benevolent woman like a saint, her head slightly bowed forward, ready to envelop you with her love and protection. Then, from certain angles, with play of light, textures and curves, the obvious appears: the representation of a clitoris.
With Jamal, the artist invites you to explore the nuances and mysteries of feminine beauty, through a play of angles, perspectives, the unspoken and allusions. She hopes that Jamal will captivate your gaze, intrigue you and, at the very least, make you smile.