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Guylaine Marceau, artiste peintre et murales de papier peint inspirées
By : Guylaine Marceau
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Art & Photography
Categories : Art Projects / Visual art : Gold Certification
Categories : Art Projects / Artwork - Residential Space : Gold Certification
Guylaine Marceau, painter
Originally from the region of Bellechasse in Quebec, Guylaine Marceau studied college and university in visual arts.
She made a career as an illustrator, graphic designer and product designer for more than 25 years. During this period, she will continue her artistic approach for the pleasure of creating freely. She allows herself to explore different art forms such as stained glass and sculpture. It is acrylic that will become her medium of choice.
From the figurative, she will move on to the abstract, a more intimate way for her to express her emotions. Leaving the brush for the spatula, lengthening the movement and giving texture to his works, her paintings become gestures and colors. Some will be symbolic and will mark passages in his life.
Now cradled in the heart of the Beauceron countryside, the artist gives her paintings another dimension through the mural, thus creating soft atmospheres that exude a quiet strength.
Manufacturer - Distributor : Nomad Design
Photographer : Jean-Marc Bilodeau