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How Fragile This Love
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 12th edition
This spectacular armchair is part of the collection of Claste, a Montreal-based furniture manufacturer. Designer Quinlan Osborne created this piece, weighing 150 kg, made from laminated onyx and glass. The idea was to suspend a stone seat between two glass panels in such a way that no hardware or joints be visible. Doing this required research and exploration on the part of the designers, who eventually found UV glue to be the answer. According to the jury, Claste “achieved veritable mastery by bringing these two materials together, giving the furnishing a look that is both a heavy and fragile. A sense of poetry emanates from the illusion of the stone floating in the air”.
Claste -
Prix Mobilier résidentiel, commercial et intégré en design de produits en petite série ex æquo -