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Crown Jewels
By : Ralph Appelbaum Associates
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Interior Design
Categories : Culture, Sport & Leisure / Museum & Gallery : Gold Certification
We have designed an exciting new exhibition that reveals untold stories about the history and significance of the Crown Jewels, which are housed at the Tower of London. The exhibition opened just weeks after the world witnessed these precious objects in use at the Coronation of King Charles III. It is the first major change to the Jewel House since Historic Royal Palace’s re-interpretation of the Crown Jewels in 2012.
The Crown Jewels are the United Kingdom’s most exquisite treasures. Comprising more than 100 objects and 23,300 gemstones, the collection is priceless, being of incalculable cultural, historical, and symbolic value. Up to 15,000 visitors a day come from all over the world to see them.
With a timeless design that respects the heritage of the Tower of London’s Jewel House through minimal intervention, the Crown Jewels exhibit lets the collection’s dazzling objects take center-stage. We crafted immersive storytelling environments using a combination of media techniques and graphics to create both grand and intimate moments that draw visitors through each space.
Visitors can see firsthand the Crown Jewels and their abiding significance, both to the monarchy and to a diverse global population.