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Comment être ailleurs tout en étant chez soi
By : Petithan Vicky
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Student
Categories : Students work / Student - Interior Design
The current situation with Covid has allowed me to observe the negative effects of telecommuting on the physical and mental health of those who telecommute, whether or not they have children. One might have thought that telecommuting was the miracle solution for a good work-life balance, but it turns out that it can have the opposite effect. For example, some teleworkers feel under pressure to be more productive to prove that they are not just sitting at home doing nothing. This pressure, combined with a loss of fixed hours, sometimes leads them to work more hours than they would in the office, or even more hours than they need to, to the point of taking up their personal time. In addition, most people don't have a secluded workspace or a place where they can grow and evolve peacefully between their personal and professional lives. For people like me, who hate staying at home, it's complicated.
The house becomes a prison rather than a cocoon where you can recharge your batteries. To make the daily life of a teleworker more pleasant, I thought of setting up a garden shed so that when I enter it, I feel out of place, elsewhere, and even want to take refuge there. That's why I thought of studying the shed located in my own garden and creating a spa area in addition to an office.
To create a space of tranquility where nature would enter, creating a link and a transition between the inside and the outside in order to recharge one's batteries, to increase one's concentration but also to play with the senses to take the user "elsewhere". Teleworkers and parents know that distractions are numerous and that it is not easy to concentrate when the whole family is interacting, coming and going.
By specifying spaces, you stay at home while separating your personal and professional life, and you don't sacrifice living space, or even add value to the property.
The "elsewhere" is an individual concept. For some, it is a simple spatial displacement; for others, it is a psychic modulation, a feeling, a time out, a well-being break.
I was inspired by different concepts used in several start-ups, of which Google was a precursor. These companies think about the well-being of their employees in order to improve their productivity and guarantee their creativity.
My project integrates psychological laws that reflect on time management, well-being, profitability, …
The senses are constantly brought to life in each of my interventions. Feeling good, satisfying one's basic needs such as eating and drinking, having a toilet at one's disposal so as not to cross the garden every time. In each of my interventions, I put the human being and his senses at the center.
I have tried to integrate as best I could the "elsewhere", whether it be spatial or spiritual, just a stone's throw from my family home. I implemented it thanks to the play of transparency, vanishing lines, colors, reflections, sensations.
I designed the shelter according to my vision of the working world, but I think it can meet the aspirations of other teleworkers in the changing times we live in.
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