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Cartier s’affiche
By : Castor et Pollux, Paysage et design urbain
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Product
Categories : Industrial Design / Furniture - Urban & Street : Platinum Winner, Gold Certification
As part of the revitalization of the Cartier district in Laval, the city mandated Castor et Pollux to design outdoor installations presenting the major urban projects that will improve the neighbourhood during the next twenty years. Our concept took the familiar form of a handcart, on which signage can easily be installed according to the particular project underway. The carts present the four major themes guiding transformation of the neighbourhood in words, maps and images. Each cart also functioned as street furniture demonstrating the themes. “Cartier se rafraîchit” (Cartier freshens up) is a cart with plantings, offering shade and greenery. “Cartier assis dans son paysage” (Cartier sited in its landscape) is a vista point, offering views worth enhancing, and a spot to observe the construction sites. “Cartier se traverse” (Getting through Cartier) is a multi-use bench that can also be used for exercise. “Cartier à portée de main” (Cartier at your fingertips) supports soft and active mobility by providing a bicycle maintenance station.
The carts were produced in the Montreal region, primarily of local materials. The planks were made of white cedar, the compartment is in aluminum that has been folded to combine durability and lightness, while the frame is in bent steel tubes. A top coat and baked enamel paint guarantee durability. The self-adhesive posters have been designed to be easily updated. Each cart also includes a lockable brake to keep it immobile on its site.
Landscape Architecture : Castor et Pollux
Manufacturer - Distributor : Jackworld