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By : Shed.
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Interior Design
Categories : Accommodation, Restaurant & Bar / Bar, Lounge & Nightclub : Platinum Winner, Gold Certification
With a portfolio that includes some of the UK’s most progressive F&B brands such as MEATliquor™, Interior Architects SHED had all the right credentials when approached by SFG Group to give BIRDIES their first permanent London home.
BIRDIES is London’s most progressive and visualy electric sports social hybrid experience. Hidden under the iconic Battersea Power Station train arches, the site provides a natural den to discover and immerse yourself in a combination of cool long drinks, fusion tacos and a the craziest of crazy golf courses.
BIRDIES was never going to conform to the norm and its maverick yet surreal personality gave designer SHED permission to push the boundaries between reality and the surreal.
After a greeting at the door, players grab drinks & tacos to fuel them up for the forthcoming holes. The approach on each hole was to challenge, confuse, inspire simultaniously whilst adding a layer of golf ‘pun’ hummour along the way. Each hole has a specifis pun (intended!) Golf theme, not necessarily obvious to the player but present nevertheless. The appeal had to be widespread, not just to your Insta snapping millenial, but to familes, office co-workers and parties alike.
The interior provides probably the most vibrant and visually interesting spaces of 2020. Players lose themselves in a kalydascope of colour, light and music. Industrial materials juxtaposed with neon, plexiglass and bold graphic narrative gives every hole both an identity but also real gameplay meaning.
A riot of imagery to excite any player and guide them through 9 holes of crazy golf fun and laughs.
Project Manager : Change Project Consulting