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Aviation Etcetera
By : Massarelli Design
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Interior Design
Categories : Other categories in interior design / Transportation Infrastructure : Bronze Certification
Aviation Etcetera is a privately-owned small flight center serving a niche community in Quebec. Its passengers expect the best in luxury and safety while travelling. Its staff hope for the most in comfort and privacy while working. Time frame for the renovations is limited as the staff offices are temporarily moved to the aircraft hangar to continue flight operations. Staying on schedule is crucial as the project needs to progress quickly before the start of winter season makes the hangar too cold to work in. Developing a concept that celebrates the spirit of aviation without making it predictable and dull poses a unique challenge for this mid-size project.
The main design objectives are the following: to improve spatial planning that facilitates the movement of passengers through the center, to provide more comfort and privacy for staff working at the reception desk as well as for pilots recuperating between flights and to modernize the interior design to current standards in safety, ergonomics, aesthetics and material innovations. All spaces except for staff offices and storage rooms are redesigned to fulfill the design mandate.
Smooth Take-Offs and Landings
The reception and waiting area is reconfigured in regard to furniture placement to optimize views and comfort. Client’s request to accommodate larger groups in the waiting area is also addressed by solving the limited seating problem. Custom-designed curved leather sectional – reminiscent of first class aircraft seats – now lines the wall perimeters to give 180 degree views all around, sitting more people and improving passengers’ comfort. Also, one of the offices adjacent to the waiting area is converted to a semi-private lounge to provide extra seating for large groups’ departures. The close proximity and partial-open concept of the lounge makes it easy for passengers to help themselves to snacks and refreshments served in the waiting area, as well as be able to use the public washrooms quickly for last minute breaks before boarding a flight.
Clear Skies Ahead and Controlled Rest
The staff working at the reception also benefit from its reconfiguration. Before the reception desk’s location close to the conference room allowed the back of the receptionist to be seen by other staff and visitors during meetings as there was only a glazed wall separating the two spaces. The position of the newly relocated desk gives staff more privacy and better views of the flight center’s activities including all entries/exits and planes’ arrivals or departures. To improve the pilots’ comfort, the pilot lounge on the second floor is relocated downstairs to a quiet area in order for them to better concentrate on pre-flight briefing. This new arrangement also helps the pilot resting in the Snooze Room as the relocation of their lounge reduces the noise levels on the second floor, making sleeping between flights much easier.
Bon voyage!
To make spaces feel more modern and coherent, elements from aviation and hospitality design are integrated into the proposed concept. Comfortable lounge chairs, versatile side tables, cozy area rugs and inspiring artwork are chosen to calm nerves and relax passengers before flights. A new sculptural light suspension cascades over the reception complementing and illuminating the big atrium. The custom-designed reception desk made of marble and quartz countertop imitates aircraft wing design, including the winglet-inspired cabinetry pulls. Terrazzo-style ceramic tiles in the reception feature stainless steel inserts at different angles to recreate jet streams in the sky while the wood-look ceramic tiles in the interiors exude warmth without sacrificing on durability and easy maintenance. The conference room showcases a book-matched marble wall and custom metal shelving with books and model planes while a smart layout of six pendants create an original lighting sculpture over the conference table. The Snooze Room is completely redesigned to accommodate legal requirements, to provide more comfort and to address acoustics, with the built-in custom furniture imitating first class cabins. The existing washrooms are also completely redesigned to reflect contemporary standards; soft led-lights, floating barrier-free marble countertops and a playful use of textured ceramic tiles in a herringbone pattern make the spaces functional, comforting and elegant. The private bathroom – now enlarged to include a shower – has all its finishes upgraded to make it feel even more exclusive, thereby reflecting the owner’s taste and lifestyle.
Aviation Etcetera transitions into a modern flight center deserving of its clientele, its staff and the Dorval flight community with the transformative power of timeless design.
Interior Designer : Massarelli Design
General Contractor : Espace Construction
Manufacturer - Distributor : Boisdaction Ébénisterie architecturale
Manufacturer - Distributor : Linea P
Photographer : Victoria Cyr Photography