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Ashbery Lighting
By : Landscape Forms
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Product
Categories : Industrial Design / Lighting fixture - Outdoor : Gold Certification
Ashbery is a trio of lights that brings together advanced LED technology and optics with an homage to traditional-style luminaires that have a special place in the American design lexicon.
Ashbery is a beautiful, modern interpretation of historic forms in high-quality lighting that sparks an emotional connection to the past but performs, looks and feels authentic for our time. The line includes multiple area light configurations, a path light, and a wall-mounted light that work together to form cohesive, well-rounded lighting programs.
With Ashbery, cities, towns and main street districts can evolve, modernize and revitalize their streetscape design without losing the unique, traditional character their residents hold dear. Ashbery’s recently expanded range of form factors and performance options helps bring more life and usability to outdoor spaces, creating the welcoming, comprehensive lighting programs that encourage people to experience the outdoors more often in daily life.
The design of each Ashbery luminaire is tailored to its specific role in the landscape: Path lights parallel footpaths and support pedestrian spaces for safety and extended use. Wall-mounted lights offer soft and welcoming illumination adjacent to buildings and façades. Ranging from a gentle, symmetric blanket of light for intimate pedestrian settings, to precise and directional illumination along streetscapes, sidewalks and transitional spaces, area lights’ different outputs, distributions, and optics adapt performance and ambiance for a superb visual experience. On area and wall-mounted lights, a separate LED element mounted in the fixture below the clear or diffused lens subtly recalls gas lamps or early filament bulbs, evoking an emotive moment that enhances experience and the sense of place.