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5 & 7 – Happy hour !
By : Jocelyn D'Amours - artiste peintre
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Art & Photography
Categories : Art Projects / Visual art : Bronze Certification
Categories : Art Projects / Artwork - Residential Space : Bronze Certification
Finally an evolutionary painting.
Individually, the plexiglass represent 4 paintings; however, combined, they offer infinite possibilities. Place the plexiglass sheets on one or two wooden bases, then slide the plexis from left to right or swap the plexis from front to back and get a new work every day, according to your imagination; a snapshot of everyday life… So the interrelations between the characters will evolve according to your creativity. In addition, as the characters are painted on plexiglass, your image will be reflected and so you will be integral part of the work…
Welcome to my universe !
Artist : Jocelyn D'Amours - artiste peintre