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By : Julia Santos
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Student
Categories : Students work / Student - Industrial Design / Product / Furniture : Silver Certification
Furniture designed from materials reclaimed from old commercial and institutional furniture.
The 4B22 series is a collection made up of four furniture items: a credenza, a stool, a bench and a bookcase-style storage unit. Designed to be delivered flat-packed, this set is conceived to offer furniture that is durable in its materials and versatile in its type.
The project is based on the principle of circular economy. The aim is to recover material from old furniture that has been left to gather dust in warehouses, and to design new furniture from these already extracted and available materials. The approach is to work with the diversity of inputs to standardize them in a mini-series manufacturing model. The present collection is an example of a design based on the recovery of a double desk and desks from the UL warehouse. All components have been reworked to minimize waste, transformation operations and the addition of new materials. To this end, several tests were carried out to validate optimal component recovery and quality. The set of solutions proposed is designed to respect the environment as much as possible, so that the approach is relevant.
Industrial Designer : Université Laval