Product / Published on November 4, 2022
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Since 2018, new regulations on the use of a wood-burning fireplace have come into effect in several cities in Quebec. What does this mean for wood fireplace owners? Quite simply, if you want to continue to enjoy it, it must emit less than 2.5 grams of particulate matter per hour (2.5 g/hr).
Why change your old fireplace?
Our Noréa experts point out that wood burning in old fireplaces is one of the main causes of winter smog, especially in the Montreal area. The particulate emission of an old appliance is between 70 and 100 g/h, which is far from the required threshold of less than 2.5 g/h.
To protect your health, the health of your family and the health of your neighbors, it is important to convert your home to an energy-efficient model that reduces particulate emissions into the atmosphere.
If you keep your old fireplace…
In many Quebec municipalities, you are not allowed to use your old wood-burning fireplace, except in the event of a power failure lasting more than three hours. But be careful! You must make sure that your chimney has been properly cleaned to avoid unpleasant surprises and endanger the safety of your family.
Is there such a thing as an energy-efficient wood stove or fireplace?
The importance of protecting our planet has forced the stove and fireplace industry to outdo itself in designing more environmentally friendly wood-burning appliances. New models appear regularly, much to the delight of wood burning enthusiasts.