Jean-Christian KNAFF
Jean-Christan Knaff holds a Master’s degree in American Linguistics and Civilization from Stendhal University in Grenoble, France.
As an illustrator, his career path has led him to teach art at L’Université du Québec à Montreal, then illustration at Kingston University, London and at L’Ecole de Design Axe Sud in Marseille.
He is Associate Professor in Illustration at OCAD University, Toronto in the Faculty of Design since 2004.
Recipient of numerous awards of excellence including Mother Goose Award (UK), best British Animation (Bristol, UK), Annecy International Animation Festival, Gold Award, NY International Animation Film Festival and Best Design Teacher at OCAD University.
His illustrations have been selected and awarded by European Illustration, American Illustration, Graphis, Novum, Creative Quaterly, 3×3 Magazine and Association of Illustrators (AOI), London.
Publications: Magazines:
New Scientist, Radio Times, Time out, The Observer, Die Zeit, Stern, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Le Nouvel Observateur, The New York Time Book Review, Chatelaine, Playboy, Penthouse, Pan Books, Penguin, Graphis Press, Marie Claire, Elle, etc.
Publications: Advertising:
Apple Germany, IBM, Deutsch Telekom, Telecom France, BBC2, Swatch Zurich, Gordon Gin, London, Coca Cola Toronto, Ritzenhoff Germany, GTI Rotterdam.
Publications: Children’s books:
Faber and Faber, London, Middelhauve Verlag, Munich, Editions Parutions, Paris, Knopf, New York, Editions Bouton d’Or, Canada, La Courte Echelle, Montreal.
Wild, Wild Circus, Nelvana, Toronto
BBC2 London
Manhattan (Middelhauve Verlag Munich)
La Massalia, Marseilles
Avignon Festival
Toronto Nuit Blanche 2009/2015/2016
Montreal /Old Port Posters
400 Years Quebec
Jazz à Manosque
‘The 3 Punks’ film by Hedi Bouadloun, Paris
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Associate Professor
OCAD University -
Mikka Design Ink