Designer, Teacher, André-Yves has been the ambassador of the UDB to the Ico-D (International Council of Design and the BEDA (Bureau of European Design associations). He is involved in branding, strategy, and innovation. He is one of the initiators of "design is dead... so what now?"
On the other hand, after having taught in other art schools, he has been teaching typography and art of the book for a few years at the École Supérieure des Arts St-Luc in Brussels-ESA.
On the other hand, after having taught in other art schools, he has been teaching typography and art of the book for a few years at the École Supérieure des Arts St-Luc in Brussels-ESA.
- Bruxelles, Belgium
École Supérieure des Arts St-Luc – ESA -
CONTRASTE [stimulateur d'identités]