Project / Published on May 18, 2021
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Article written by Juli Pisano for INTERIORS 77, Winter 2019. Update for
Photos : Alexandre Parent and Jean-François Rolland
With summer, come summer trips and vacation time! More than ever, the context of the pandemic, here and elsewhere, has led people to travel closer and closer to home and discover the treasures that reside in their own backyards instead of going to see if the grass is greener elsewhere!
From the Outaouais to the Bas St-Laurent, from the Mauricie to the Gaspésie, many Quebecers travelled across the immense beauty of their province last summer and plan to do the same this year.
If Gaspé is on your planned itinerary, be sure to discover the Promenade de la Grave, an award-winning public project in landscape architecture at the 2019 GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN.
Design: AECOM in collaboration with Tetra Tech and the City of Percé
Project: Promenade de la Grave
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN 2019 – Landscape Architecture Prize for Public Project – ex aequo
Percé’s historical coastline has been subjected to major climate change effects over the past two decades. The promenade de la Grave, a AECOM project, in collaboration with Tetra Tech and the City of Percé, inscribed itself in a municipal commitment of sea coast sustainable rehabilitation.
Photos befor work: left image: AECOM ©Aline Gravel /right image: AECOM ©Ville de Percé
An innovative, sustainable and environmentally respectful approach led to the conception of the promenade de la Grave, a public space that relies on a coastline recharge technique.

The promenade offers various public spaces and nature contemplation areas.

The distinctive urban furniture, the memory benches, the interpretation veils and vintage photography celebrate the landmark’s beauty and embrace values shared by all Gaspesians.

The restoration led to the rebirth of the coastline landscape 17-century occupants knew and enjoyed.

The GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN jury noted the major social and environmental challenge the team was faced with and their most appropriate use of plantations to stabilize the shoreline.
Here is a modern project that bridges the rural and urban side of the space and becomes a proud staple for Gaspesians and tourists to reconquer.
So wait no longer… Pierce the greatness of Percé!
AECOM is a world’s premier infrastructure consulting firm, partnering with clients to solve the world’s most complex challenges and build legacies for generations to come.
Tetra Tech is a leading provider of consulting and engineering services worldwide. Their innovative, sustainable solutions help our clients address their water, environment, infrastructure, resource management, energy, and international development challenges.