Jury-GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN / Published on January 11, 2021
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Cindy Couture
Associate-Lead Sustainable Innovation
Montréal, Québec, Canada
What prescient youthful memory relates to your present career?
I remember building highly detailed small scale models for my Social Economy high school class that had impressed most of my classmates.
What are three basic rules you learned from your mentors?
1 – Transparency
2 – Values
3 – Life Balance
What project launched your career?
Without a doubt, my years as Editor in Chief of INTÉRIEURS Magazine made me discover the talented creative world of design and meet its key actors here in Québec.
Any music playing while you work?
Nope—I enjoy the silence. I am easily distracted!

Do you work in PJs or three-piece suits?
PJs! That’s why I enjoy working from home as much! To be more accurate, days I wear yoga clothes I also find ways to sneak in a workout or two between zoom calls!
What living designer/architect do you most admire?
I aspire to create a better world and improve the promotional items industry. All our products are developed to have the least impact on the environment. We study the material used, we look for solutions to produce our ideas locally. We aim at offering practical, durable and designer-made promotional objects.

What living designer/architect do you most admire?
I admire many! I couldn’t try to pick one! NO COMMENT 🙂
What past designer/architect inspires you the most?
CHARLOTTE PERRIAND. I admire how she made a place and name for herself in a man’s world and how the products she invented are still viable solutions to today’s lifestyles and needs.
What is your most marked design quality?
My ideas!
How would you like your designs to go down in history?
I would like people to remember that Kotmo changed attitudes in the world of promotional items in Québec. I would like for companies to entrust us with their needs and make more thoughtful choices when it comes to their impact on society, the environment and the community after working with us.
What peer quality do you most value?
Attention to detail and precision.
Which project is the epitome of your work?
The Composantes Kotmo product line. We brought together several creative talents as well as our collaborators from all over Québec. The whole team has mobilized to work together to release a range of products reflecting what we are experiencing with this pandemic.

How are your country of belonging’s values reflected in your work?
Québec … family values, teamwork!!
If a spell were to transform you into an object, by all means, what would you like to be, and why?
A chair—no never be home alone! .
What is your favorite place in the world?
The south of Portugal I loved visiting with my family.

What is your mantra?
Le design pragmatique avant tout!
What is your dream? THINK BIG!
I dream of seeing Kotmo operate all over the world and change the way companies represent their brand by offering them local, eco-responsible and sustainable promotional objects.
Coffret Composantes
Attribution : Kotmo
This collection is the story of human relationships, of individuals with different backgrounds and cultures. It is the image of our values: equity, inclusion, collaboration. We wanted to transport you in these so that you can share precious moments with your loved ones. They are the story of a year out of the ordinary. They are our history. Our goal: To offer you original, local and unique products developed by designers and illustrators in limited editions, to speed up delivery times, to facilitate your choice for your corporate Christmas gifts.