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Chalet Baie-de-Valois
By : ADHOC architectes & PRISME architecture
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 15th edition
Discipline : Architecture
Categories : Public Building / Sports & Leisure Building : Gold Certification
Categories : Special Award / Architecture + Wood : Gold Certification
Categories : Special Award / Architecture + Ceiling : Platinum Winner, Gold Certification
Located on the shores of Lake St.Louis, the Baie-de-Valois Chalet is part of a shore revitalisation project claimed by Pointe-Claire citizens. The project replaces an old and deteriorating cabin and will serve to enhance the experience and water sport activities offered to over 4000 citizens and visitors who visit this area yearly. The redevelopment of the site and its building promotes more accessibility to a diversified clientele ranging in all ages. A new community hall with a capacity of 100 people allows the location to host events while being able to accommodate children and teenagers registered in summer day camps.
Inspired by the geological stratification of the site, the project is broken down into different layers that reflect the surrounding landscape; the angled roof is reminiscent of a tree canopy, the wood cladding embodies the rhythm of tree trunks in a wooden area, and the base of the building represents the geometry of a rocky shoreline.
The geometry of the roof offers an interesting dialogue with the site, unfolding like a canopy and framing views of the River. The expression of the roof plays a significant role in reducing energy use as it was conceived to optimize passive solar gains. In the summer, solar rays are blocked by the pronounced overhang of the roof in order to limit heat gain inside the structure. The use of a white roofing membrane on the entire roof reflects light and limits heat gain in the chalet.During winter, with the angle of the sun being decreased, solar rays can penetrate directly into the spaces and contribute to a passive heat gain. A large skylight allows for a natural ventilation of the spaces and provides access to diffused natural light in the community hall.
The extension of the roof, blurring the border between the inside and the outside of the chalet, creates an immersive atmosphere with the surrounding landscape. On the outside, it will protect the users from bad weather and allow various activities to take place. In summer, this will benefit children attending day camp particularly during hot sunny days, the pergola will provide an interesting shaded area. In winter, the stairs located between the terrace and the pavilion will benefit from protection particularly during periods of frost. Finally, a portion of the roof rainwater is strategically redirected onto the site in filtered areas provided by the landscaping.
Wood is a principal element of the project, mainly chosen for its materiality and its ecological properties. It was both a source of inspiration and a challenge throughout the project. Ash wood, sourced from local cuts made to eradicate emerald ash borer infestations, particularly compose the ceiling and the hinged canopy. They create a rhythm and a texture that are enriched by the integration of a gap and highlight the contours of the angular ceiling. Those gaps allowed the insertion of linear luminaires between the boards as well as to conceal the mechanical and acoustic systems behind the ceiling. In addition to contributing aesthetically to the project, the reuse of ash wood contributes to the capture and sequestration of carbon.
The Baie-de-Valois chalet takes up the challenge of offering citizens the possibility of reclaiming the shores while fighting against climate change. Fitting harmoniously and naturally into its landscape, the pavilion is revealed from the outside, while from the inside, it offers a breathtaking view of the beauty of the lake.
Architect : PRISME architecture
Landscape Architecture : Dubuc architectes paysagistes
General Contractor : Groupe Piché