Product / Published on October 18, 2021
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proud partner of the GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN
Teknion. Ready for the future when it arrives.
Startled by a global event that arrived without warning, a virus that leaps across borders and boundaries, we see that we are, all of us, connected by a fragile biology, as well as the aims we share. Can we now enlarge our thinking? Can we make room for a more inclusive sense of purpose? Will we shape a future that looks like the world we want to see?
At Teknion, we understand the extraordinary complexity of designing a workplace in the context of heightened concerns about health and safety, personal and corporate responsibility. As we go back to the office, many of us are likely to find changes in how we engage with each other and with our workspaces. Chances are, our perspective is a bit different, our thinking broadened. There’s a deeper sense of connectedness, rooted in a shared experience over months past. We want to be present again, to rekindle collaboration and sociability.
Whatever the future looks like, Teknion will offer products that allow for transitional solutions, that help companies to adapt and re-adapt, that are indeed, “future smart.”