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La résidence des stagiaires
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 12th edition
Inside the Trainee Residence, a solid structure sets a minimalist tone with large, simple spaces conducive to communal living. Outside, the pure volumes evoke the vernacular architecture of the region. The building consists of two wings that form a natural separation between the diurnal and nocturnal spaces, with the juncture between them serving as an outdoor terrace. The interior, made wholly of wood, is simple, warm and welcoming, while the glass doors and generous fenestration open onto the surrounding natural. The residence makes no attempt to hide its raw aspect, a cross between a shelter and a cabin, which entirely suits its function.
The judges recognized, in the architectural treatment, compliance with the program as well as a desire for quintessential Quebec design. They took note of the rather brave use of one sole material for all of the interior, a simple and inexpensive one that confers a delicate nobility. The project is holistic, successfully blending landscape, design and function, with even the wooden furniture matching the architecture.
Atelier Pierre Thibault -
Prix Espace résidentiel de 1 600 à 3 200 pi2 ex æquo -