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By : Perron
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Interior Design
Categories : Commercial Space / Commercial Space ≤ 1,600 sq.ft. (≤ 150 sq.m.) : Bronze Certification
Categories : Special Awards / Low Cost Design : Gold Certification
Design mandate for a jewelry boutique in a Quebec City shopping mall. Desire to offer a singular environment while standing out among the same mall’s offerings. Create an inclusive and inviting customer experience in an atmosphere that thrills the senses. Quick turnaround and efficient budget.
Conceptual approach
The concept emphasizes materiality as well as color. A gentle blend combining transparency, gloss/matte and reflection. Singular merchandising including shocking items contrasts with the delicacy of the jewelry. Memory foam and painted rocks add a welcome element of surprise.
An enveloping boutique combining softness and affirmation