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CEGEP de Sainte-Foy
By : BC2
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 17th edition
Discipline : Landscape & Territories
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Cultural & Institutional Project : Silver Certification
The CEGEP de Sainte-Foy is the largest CEGEP in the greater Quebec City area in terms of students (10,700), employees (1,500) and the number of people (1,348 seats) the Albert-Rousseau auditorium, one of the largest in Quebec City, can accommodate. Since its initial construction in 1962, the CEGEP has undergone several expansions in response to evolving needs. As a result, the CEGEP found itself hemmed in by car parks where pedestrian links were difficult and where living space and a reception area were lacking to energize and connect the outdoor spaces. The six of clienteles was also a challenge that informed the spatial reorganization of the project.
A large forecourt was created to replace the old car park at the front of the main building. The forecourt features a major pedestrian thoroughfare and walkways dotted with landscaping and furniture. A selection of materials, textures and colours was used to harmonize past architectural elements and create a distinctive image at the entrance. The new, demineralized reception area features a much greener forecourt that creates a comfortable, welcoming space for everyone and includes “chat spots” and relaxation areas.
In line with the CEGEP’s sustainable development principles, the addition of rain gardens was a key resilience element, as was the enhancement of existing mature trees and the improvement of biodiversity. This new multi-purpose public square project was designed to be green and to respect the environment (a healthy, green CEGEP), with active mobility and universal accessibility to the school and its auditorium. A drop-off point was integrated into the development of the forecourt, as well as an access ramp from car park #1 for universal access to the site, providing more direct and safer access for this clientele. These improvements help position CEGEP de Sainte-Foy as a benchmark for innovation and the creation of living environments, while ensuring the safe coexistence of different modes of transport. A better organization of traffic lanes and a hierarchy of uses make the site more accessible by offering interesting views of the buildings and the surrounding area.
Additionally, site legibility was significantly improved through redesigned street signage and the creation of a new visual and structural link to the main entrance, building on the central building’s attributes. The project to revitalize CEGEP de Sainte-Foy’s entrance restored the emblematic character of the CEGEP’s main pavilion by highlighting the architectural character of the terminal spire of the curbstone.
The success of the new development is demonstrated by the fact that users and the public are now taking ownership of the site, by the consolidation of pedestrian and bicycle links across the site, by the improvement of pedestrian safety and the reduction of conflicts of use, and by the creation of a new cultural and institutional space where people can study, meet and socialize between classes or before a performance.