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Courtyard - Séminaire de Sherbrooke
By : Équipe A
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Landscape & Territories
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Cultural & Institutional Project : Gold Certification
Categories : Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture - Public Space : Silver Certification
Faced with the need to repair the drainage of their main campus building, the Séminaire de Sherbrooke took advantage of the inevitable demolition of their asphalt parking lot to transform this space into a playful urban interior courtyard. Considering the drainage repair work that had to take place, this was an interesting structural challenge combining the addition of numerous retaining walls, cantilevers, suspended elements, bleachers, and the creation of an outdoor terrace stage.
Two major objectives were targeted for this 31,200 sq. ft. space: to create a living environment that students would naturally gravitate towards, and to provide up-to-date sports facilities. The institution also wanted the space to become a hub for the neighborhood, notably by being open to the community outside of school hours for hosting performances, events, and gatherings. Two main areas were created : a lanscaped lounge area and a sports court.
Conceptually, the landscaped resting area was designed as a gathering point and a place of socialization that students could enjoy outside of school hours. The design team chose to reference the institution’s religious past by including a walkway, which brings to mind a church’s ambulatory. The rectangular concrete pathway surrounding the grassy area naturally encourages students to stroll through it and observe their surroundings. Even in the middle of downtown Sherbrooke, this part of the courtyard feels secluded and remains hidden from view, as it is framed by the three facades of the building and the new bleachers. A good dose of greenery has been injected into this once grey and sterile space: grass, fruit trees, and landscaping are inserted between the installations to enliven the site throughout the seasons. The ping-pong tables, the « mustache » benches, the outdoor furniture, and the chairlift benches all contribute to a playful and unexpected experience.
The multi-sports court can be utilized all year round and has versatile facilities that can be used for different functions. For example, the new bleachers along the sports field, which follow the topography of the site, can be used as bleachers, as a stage, and as an outdoor area to lounge around. The courtyard is even more versatile thanks to a lighting system that enhances the site’s features while allowing day or evening use of the sports facilities.
A transformation of this scale required a sensitive approach, especially considering the institution’s rich architectural heritage and the strong attachment felt by the community for this beloved building. A careful approach to architectural integration was favored and great efforts were made to achieve a harmonious exchange between the existing architecture and the redesigned exterior space. Consequently, the materials and finishes were chosen to match those of the existing building: concrete, slate, and steel in shades of grey are reminiscent of the materials of the building’s façade that is also the courtyard’s backdrop. For their part, the tree species, the sports surface, and the furniture unequivocally recall the visual identity of the institution, as their red and yellow hues are a nod to the colors of the school’s coat of arms.
General Contractor : Construction Longer inc.
Engineering : St-Georges Structures et civil