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Freestanding PLÉNITUDE Swing
By : Morelli | Mobilier Urbain
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 16th edition
Discipline : Product
Categories : Industrial Design / Furniture & Product - Outdoor : Gold Certification
Categories : Industrial Design / Furniture - Office : Gold Certification
What is the timeless appeal of the swing? Well, swinging relaxes us. It procures a sense of well-being and makes it easy to talk, to share. Perhaps, unconsciously, it takes us back to childhood, and the feeling of being able to let go. We rejuvenate. We heal.
Freestanding – Outstandingly Innovative
With a mind to access these positive feelings in a work context, Morelli sought a fresh take on the classic swing, a familiar, yet unique experience. As always, our guidelines were sustainability and innovation. And we found something that we believe has never been done before in urban furnishing: a freestanding swing structure surrounded by green.
The Plenitude is a reinterpretation of the swing set, newly modern and necessarily sustainable. You can see it in the simplicity of the arch through to the design of the bench, with its slender yet sturdy armrests, and the structural cables in PVC-clad galvanized steel. These are trademark Morelli elements. The difference is in the details.
Protecting the User…and the Furniture
Emotion is a load-bearing beam in Morelli’s approach, and the user is firmly at the center of anything we design. User experience, ergonomics, and safety resonate throughout the process and even during the life of this product. Morelli carefully considers protection of both the user and the furniture as we proceed through development. In the case of Plenitude, we never lost sight of clearances around the swing bench and the piece’s stability while in motion. The choice of cable over chain results in more efficient balance but also in quality of movement. Furthermore, we added a restraining cable to prevent, in the event of misuse, unsafe swinging, locking in protection for both people and equipment.
It IS Easy Being Green, with Integrated Planters
Swinging gently, surrounded by green…a sure way to relieve stress and rekindle energy. Designed for the workplace, Plenitude is a refuge, a place to spend a few minutes with one’s self or with colleagues. With our integrated planter boxes, it’s a calm, natural space. Such an oasis of peace at work increases happiness, well-being, and productivity. This is very much in line with our vision: Morelli develops all its new furniture products with the sincere desire to have a positive impact on people and society.